Friday, July 19, 2013

Blog assignment 2 first image

The human condition by Rene Magritte in 1945.
Form means the over structure of the art work and
content is what the art expresses or means.
                                                               according to out side the front door seen from inside a room, I placed a painting representing exactly that
                                        portion of the landscape covered by the painting. Thus, the beach in the
                                                              picture hid the ball behind it, outside the room. For the spectator, it was both inside
                                                              the room within the painting and outside in the real landscape. Which is how we see
                                                               the world, namely, outside of us; although having only one representation of it within
                                                              us. Similarly we sometimes remember a past event as being in the present. Time and
                              space lose meaning and our daily experience becomes paramount.


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